How to Choose the Right Pieces of Jewelry For Your Holiday?

Jewelry For Your Holiday

If you want to look your best, then it isn’t just your clothes that you should consider: it’s also the accessories you pair those clothes with! And among these accessories, few are as popular and worthwhile as the right piece of jewelry for your holiday!

If you’re heading overseas, however, you might hesitate before packing your favorite, most precious items of jewelry. After all, everyone has heard a horror story or two about an engagement ring being dropped on a beach, never to be recovered.

Versatility is key when choosing the jewelry for your holiday

First and foremost, you’ll want to take as few items as possible. That way, you’ll limit the risk of your entire collection being lost, stolen, or damaged. Since you’re probably going to be taking a varied wardrobe, which will cover evening wear as well as lightweight stuff for the daytime, it’s a good idea to look for a few versatile jewelry items.

A ring, pendant, bracelet, or a nice watch that matches with literally everything you’ve packed can help to lend a touch of glitz and sparkle. Since you’re taking only a few items, you may want to take some of the nicer items you have especially if you’re going somewhere safe!

Secure storage for your holiday jewelry

When you aren’t wearing your jewellery, you’ll want a place to keep it safe and secure. If your hotel or apartment has a safe, this is the best place to store it. On the other hand, simply allowing jewelry to settle loose within a metal cube is like asking for it to be scratched and scraped. Take a padded case that will keep everything organized and secure. This is particularly useful when you’re transporting jewelry since it will prevent items from being jostled around during bumpy rides.

Jewelry For Your Holiday

Layering pieces

What if you want a relatively austere look during the daytime and a more extravagant one during the evening? One option is to swap one piece of jewelry for another; the other is to simply layer items on top of one another. For example, one glittering necklace might look simple and relatively classy while you’re beside the pool. Several of them might create the required ‘wow’ factor when you’re heading out for food in the evening.

Suit different occasions

When you’re heading out, you’ll want to be sure that everything you wear is matched for the occasion. Therefore, it’s a good idea to think about what those occasions will be before you board the plane. When you’re packing, think about how you’ll be spending your days and your evenings, and select your jewelry accordingly. If you’re going to be active during the day, then dangling earrings are probably not a good choice. If you know that the weather is going to be cold, then you might limit your selection, so that you know everything you pick out will be visible!

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