5 Easy Mountain Biking Tips for Beginners

mountain biking tips

Looking to get more active on your bike? Consider trying your hand at mountain biking! It will challenge you in ways traditional street biking won’t. You’ll need to use more energy to get where you’re going, all while appreciating the subtleties of nature. But biking off-road can be an adjustment if you’re used to riding on paved surfaces. The terrain can be harder to navigate, with more bumps and twists that easily throw you for a loop if you’re unprepared. So, what do you need to know before you start mountain biking? Use these simple steps to pedal your way to the top, and check out these mountain biking tips for beginners for more information.

1. Mountain Biking Tips – Build Up Your Strength

If you haven’t been on a bike for a while, don’t expect to take off on a long bike trip. Your body will need to work its way up to long trips and steep hills. Don’t be surprised if you get out of breath after a few miles. With a little bit of conditioning and training, you will be able to handle any trail that comes your way. Experts say the process of preparing your body can take anywhere from four to six weeks. It’s all about building up your upper body strength and core muscles. 

Start with short trips and stick close to home in case you need a break. Slowly increase the length of your trip as you build up endurance. Try not to overexert yourself the first time out so you have enough strength to get back on your bike the next day. Here is a morning routine for bikers to help you build up the strenght for a longer trip.

2. Biking Tips for Beginners – Stay Energized

Mountain biking requires approximately 51 percent more physical energy than traditional street biking. That’s because you have to pedal through dirt, rocks and mud, which creates resistance against the tires. Your body will need that much more energy to go the same amount of distance. Make sure you have enough nutrients in your system to reach your destination. Stock up on lean meat, healthy grains and fresh fruits and vegetables. Bring along a snack and plenty of water in case you need to refuel on the way home. 

3. Biking Trips – Plan Your Route

There won’t be any street signs or markings on the road to guide you when you are biking through the wilderness. Some trails have designated routes, but you need to stay alert to see them when you’re cruising around at high speeds. Don’t rely on these indicators when navigating to your destination. Your GPS or the map app on your mobile phone will likely lose a signal, so bring along a compass and paper map of the area as well. Figure out exactly where you’re going and what route you will take to get there before you depart. Approximate how long it will take and plan your trip accordingly.

4. Sync Up on the Trail

Having a conversation with your companions isn’t feasible when you’re riding a bike over unpredictable terrain unless you are using a bike helmet with Bluetooth capabilities. You need to keep your eyes on the road and your hands on the handlebars to avoid getting into an accident. The narrow path also makes it hard to ride next to each other, so you won’t be able to hear what the other person is saying. 

A Bluetooth helmet headset will wirelessly connect to the other riders in your group so you can carry on a conversation in real-time. You shouldn’t have to manually reset the device whenever you fall out of range. It’s easy to get separated when you’re having fun and exploring new territory. The headset should automatically reconnect whenever you are close enough to your pals so you can pick up where you left off. 

5. Wear the Proper Safety Gear

Nothing is more important than your safety when mountain biking. You can easily slip and fall if the ground is uneven or poorly maintained. Dodging some obstacles may not be an option, and falling down is all part of the experience. 

Protect yourself from injury when the road gets rough by wearing a helmet at all times. You may want to wear goggles or a visor as well to protect your eyes if there is a lot of dirt or debris flying through the air. Put pads underneath your clothing to absorb the force of a fall, especially if you are biking on or near rocks and other hard surfaces. Wear clothes that are snug against the skin and avoid wearing anything that might snag against a tree or bush. 

If the sun is starting to set, use powerful LED lights that illuminate the road. You don’t have to worry about traffic in the wilderness unless there are other riders going the opposite way. Consider having a dimmer option if you are biking around pedestrians and other vehicles so you don’t blind anyone.

Final Thoughts about Mountain Biking

You don’t have to be a master of two wheels to try your hand at mountain biking. It just takes a little bit of practice, planning and physical training. Keep these tips in mind on the trail to enjoy your time in nature. 

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