4 Beginner’s Tips for Backpacking Through Europe

backpacking through europe

Backpacking through Europe seems like a popular way for people to explore the world and find themselves—according to the entertainment industry. Rather than watching Matt Damon’s one-off cameo on Eurotrip to prepare for this venture, you’re better off studying these beginner’s tips for backpacking through Europe.

‘Tis the Season for Backpacking through Europe

Each part of the world has peak seasons in which tourism is overflowing. While granted, you are a tourist and may not like massive crowds, making when you go is as important as where you go.

During the summer, you’ll want to get your tan along the Balkan coastline as you gasp at the beauty of the Slovenian mountains. In the fall, the Mediterranean is prime for a visit. You can see the gorgeous fall landscape peacefully since the summer travelers have departed. Estonia, with its charming old towns and picturesque countryside, is also a delightful destination for autumn explorations. Any Scandinavian countryside is worthy of a stop for the avid winter sportsters, while France and its surrounding area are ideal for the spring.

Besides the seasons, watch for festivals and other culturally significant happenings because you might want to plan for or around them.

Pack Light – What you Pack is What you Carry Around

The goal for packing for an extended journey overseas is to make things as light and comfortable as possible. Your first move is to limit your clothing. While you may be visiting a new country every day or two, you aren’t going to go weeks without doing your laundry. Map out your laundry days and pack accordingly. Otherwise, you’ll overpack and regret it in the first week of your trip.

Clothing items that work best are moisture-wicking, light, and weather-resistant. Understanding backpack ergonomics allows you to pack things in a way that doesn’t fatigue or harm your back and shoulders.

Budget-Friendly Stays

Understandably, the first few days will be exciting, leaving you a bit loose with your money. However, having a budget and adhering to it is crucial. You might have to get creative with sleeping arrangements for a few nights during your adventure.

Hostels are a great way to extend the value of a dollar, and you might even meet some cool people to hang out with. Just don’t watch Eli Roth’s Hostel before you do this, or else you’ll want nothing to do with this accommodation style, or Europe altogether, for that matter.

The Little Engine That Could

Train travel is still your best bet, and seeing Europe’s many landscapes and cultures up close will enrich your experience. In addition, you may save money on lodging by taking the train for the night on your longer trips. The Interrail Global Pass or the Eurail Pass is sufficient for travel through most of this part of the world.

Pick a region of the continent to visit based on your vacation time and finances, and then think about taking a cheap trip to another region for an unforgettable adventure.

These beginner’s tips for backpacking through Europe give you a sound foundation for having the best experience. Stay safe, be smart, and have the time of your life because this kind of experience is usually once in a lifetime.

Ready to plan your amazing backpacking trip? Head to my travel resources page next.

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