6 Ways Frequent UK Travelers Can Save Money On Their Trips

uk travelers money saving tips

Traveling throughout your own country can be an incredible way to satisfy your wanderlust without breaking the bank. UK travelers have the chance to visit beautiful beaches, thriving metropolises, quaint countryside – and everything in between. Often, you don’t need anything more than a car to get about, though flights can be beneficial for people traveling from or to Scotland and Northern Ireland (where you could also get the ferry!).

With such a wealth of travel experiences at your fingertips, you’ll never get bored traveling around the UK. But, even when traveling within one country, it is important to be smart with your money. Costs can still mount up, and people have a tendency to be less strict with their budgets when traveling at home.

Consider All Of Your Transport Options

There are plenty of ways to get around the UK, such as by car, train, bus, coach, ferry, and more. All transport options have their own upsides and downsides, but if money-saving is your ultimate goal, it is important to shop around to find the transportation that is the most cost-effective. Often, coaches will be the cheapest choice, but it is worth factoring in the time it can take to get to your destination by coach. If you aren’t on a tight time budget, then they’re perfect. Otherwise, weigh up the costs and pros and cons of each method of transportation before you decide.

Visit New Places Midweek

The cheapest time to visit new places will often be midweek in the low season. The low season in the UK is normally between November and April, so you’ll need to be prepared for the typical British rain and cold. By traveling midweek, you’ll get better deals on hotels and other accommodations, you’ll encounter less traffic on the road, and fewer people at your destination.

Many bars, pubs, and restaurants also have offers on midweek to try to drum up extra business on their quietest days. Of course, you’ll have to take time off work into consideration; annual leave is a finite resource and one that will quickly run out after a few midweek adventures.

Switch To An Electric Vehicle

If you travel within the UK by car, this is often the most convenient and freeing way to travel. On the flip side, it can also be costly in fuel, particularly for long-distance drives. If you’re willing to make a long-term commitment to traveling with lower costs, then switching from a petrol or diesel vehicle to an electric one is an obvious choice. Electric vehicles (EVs) cost a fraction to fuel when compared to fossil fuel-reliant cars.

Leasing an EV can give you access to the latest models and significant protections against issues with the vehicle while it is in your possession. It is best to do your homework and ensure that leasing an EV is the right choice for you. LV ElectriX has a wealth of advice and resources to educate people considering the switch, including their comprehensive article: what do I need to know about leasing

Image by Mikes-Photography from Pixabay

UK Travelers Money Saving Tips – Go Alcohol-Free

Many UK travelers would dismiss this option without giving it proper consideration, but it is worth factoring in. Alcohol is probably one of the biggest expenses for drinkers when they travel, particularly if they enjoy exploring a city by going from pub to pub. With the price of a pint ranging from £4-8 depending on where you’re traveling, this can very quickly add up if you’re having multiple pints each day you’re away.

Going alcohol-free might also bring other benefits you haven’t considered. You’ll be more present in the moment without your beer goggles, and it can open your eyes to visiting things and places you’d never before considered. You’ll also be fresh, energized, and ready to go each morning without the weight of yesterday’s beer or wine on your shoulders. Consider giving it a go, just for one short break, to see if it’s for you.

Find Accommodation With A Kitchen

Eating out, while a fun and often-delicious experience, can increase your costs while traveling significantly. Cooking your own meals when possible can be a brilliant way to save money effortlessly, so you should look for accommodation that comes with its own kitchen for you to use. This could be a hostel, where accommodation costs are low to begin with. They often come with a shared kitchen facility. You could also consider short-term lets from places like Airbnb.

Bring A Friend

Bringing company on your travels can help to slash your overall costs – you can share accommodation, split the cooking, and pool your resources for fuel if you’re driving. Taking a friend can also be a good way to feel more confident as you travel, particularly if you’ve not traveled much before.

UK Travelers Summary

Anyone who wants to travel more should consider doing so in the UK. It can make life much easier and help you connect with your country on a deeper level. There are a lot of ways to save money while you travel throughout the UK, which can, in turn, give you the ability to travel even more extensively.

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    1. Yes, queuing for the better part of a holiday isn’t my idea of fun either.
      Thanks for stopping by, Nic!

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